Our Policies



Our employees are the Company’s most important assets. Preventing occupational injuries and illness and protection of the environment are of such consequences that management will provide all the facilities and support reasonably required to ensure success.

We are committed to a health, safety and environment management system that conforms to the best practices of our industry. Health safety and environment considerations are a top priority in planning and development of products, services and processes. We acknowledge the principle that all accidents can be prevented and actively promote the highest standards of safety awareness and performance.

We acknowledge that the environment can be protected through design of environmentally acceptable products and responsible use of those products. Our Company is committed to continuous improvement of its global health, safety and environmental processes while supplying high quality, environmentally responsible products and services to our customers. Our objective is the lowest possible number of accidents, injuries, illness and environmental problems.
We recognize the importance of working closely with our customer and contractors. Only through the cooperative effort of all can the best possible health, safety and environmental record be achieved. This policy requires internal cooperation in all health, safety and environmental matters, not only between supervisor and employee, but also between each employee and his fellow workers.

Our Company recognizes that the responsibilities for health, safety and environment are shared:
• Management accepts the responsibility of leadership of the health, safety and environmental program, for its effectiveness and improvement, and for providing for the safeguards required to ensure safe, environmentally responsible conditions;
• Supervisors are responsible for developing the proper attitudes towards health, safety and environment in themselves as well as directing those whom they supervise toward this goal. Supervisors are responsible locally for ensuring that all operations are performed with the utmost regard for the health and safety of personnel and protection of the environment.
• All employees are responsible for wholehearted, genuine cooperation with every aspect of the health, safety and environmental program. This includes compliance with all rules and regulations and continuous, safe, environmentally responsible job performance.

Management Policy on Health And Safety

Our management concept is not production and safety; it is production with safety. We must establish a culture among all employees that accidents can be prevented. We are human beings and cannot hope to eliminate all accidents, but we can and must try to prevent them. When production with safety is achieved, production with efficiency is attained simultaneously.

We fully intend to make every employee’s safety; hourly concern. Adhering to local government regulations and other relevant requirements will aid us in achieving that goal.

Our success will depend not only on services but also on how safely each job is performed. There is no job so important – nor any service so urgent – that we cannot take time to plan and work safely. We consider the safety and well being of all employees of prime importance, and we expect your full cooperation in making our Health and Safety program effective.

Employee Safe Practices and Conduct

We require all employees to work safely and in an environmentally responsible manner at all time. This is necessary to protect the health and safety of all employees and to ensure uninterrupted operations.

Employees who fail to work safely or who violate any of the following practices subject themselves to disciplinary action.

1. Use good common sense all times.
2. Look out fellow employees, contractors, visitors and vendor, as well as yourself.
3. Prior to beginning any new job or task, perform a safety review to analyze the steps of the job or task and the associated hazards. Then determine the safe work methods and practices. Plan the work – work the plan.
4. Report all injuries, property damage or spill immediately, no matter how slight to your supervisor.
5. If in doubt about the proper way to do a job, get instructions from your supervisor before proceeding.
6. Report all unsafe conditions or unsafe practices or acts to your y
7. Be alert for trip hazards such as extension cords, hoses, cables and projecting materials. Clean up spill, etc pick up other items that could be trip hazards.
8. When descending or ascending stairways, use the handrail and take only one step at a time.
9. Do not walk or stand beneath suspended loads or pass between swinging loads and fixed object – avoid pinch points.
10. Only authorized personnel are permitted to operate mobile equipment. Riders are not permitted on any mobile equipment unless specifically authorized by management.
11. Be alert for mobile equipment, such as forklifts.
12. Do not smoke in paint areas, paint storehouse, oxygen or acetylene storages area, or any other area where smoking is prohibited.
13. Operate only equipment your supervisor has authorized you to use and only in the area in which you have been directed to work.
14. Use the right tool for the right job

15. Flammable liquids, such as gasoline and solvents, must be handled in approved safety containers.
16. Never enter a barricaded area without permission from the person in charge.
17. No horseplay or fighting is allowed.
18. Running in work area, except for emergency purposes, is prohibited.
19. The use, possession, transportation or sale of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, firearms, deadly weapons or unauthorized explosive while on company property or in company vehicles is prohibited.
20. Never attempt to lift or move a heavy object that is beyond your capability. Get help.
21. Use the prescribed personal protective equipment for the work you are doing.
22. Never defeat the function of a safety device unless specifically approved by your supervisors.
23. Keep your work area in a clean and orderly condition with equipment and material neatly arranged.
24. All passageways, entryways, aisles walkways, stairs, storerooms, service rooms, and work areas must be kept clean, unobstructed and free of trip hazards.
25. Return all the tools and other equipment to their proper storage place after use.
26. Do not store or pile material or equipment so they obstruct safety equipment.
27. Do not deface, mar or destroy any building, machinery, warning signs, bulletin boards or other equipment.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All field employees (except in office work areas and specifically exempt areas) must wear safety glasses, hard hat and steel-toed footwear at all times while on company property. This applies to contractors and sub-contractors. Visitors must wear PPE or be accompanied by one of our employees. All employees working on customer locations must comply with that company’s PPE requirements.

Personal protective equipment is the last line of defense to your personal safety in many of our operations. The company trains employees in the specifics and limitations of the personal protective equipment required due to the nature of the job, the specific task performed, the job site and the potential hazards.

Incident Reporting, Investigation and Record-keeping

For the purpose of prevention, the word “accident” and “incident” are interchangeable. The cornerstone of effective record-keeping for workplace injuries and accidents is investigation. Accident investigation identifies not only the cause or causes but also the corrective actions required to prevent recurrence.

Since unsafe practices and unsafe conditions cause incidents, we must determine where the HSE programs failed to control either unsafe practices or unsafe conditions. Effective accident investigation will accomplish this through a fact-finding as opposed to a faultfinding process. This fact-finding process must determine all factors that led to the accident, both the immediate and contributing causes. Then it should demonstrate how control can be re-established by management and employees.

Basic incident reporting, investigation and recordkeeping procedure requirements: All employees and contractors are required to report any of the following to their immediate supervisor.

• Accidents resulting in injuries or illness of any magnitude, including those injuries requiring the administration of minor first-aid measures.
• Incidents resulting in production interruption and property or equipment damage of any magnitude.
• A near miss-any accidents that could have potentially resulted in injury or illness, production interruption or property and/or equipment damage.
• A hazardous condition – any situation that is left uncorrected could result in an accident.

• Hazardous behaviour – any actions that could result in an accident or injury.

Investigating Incident

Supervisors and employees are responsible for accident prevention. One of the keys is accident reporting and investigation. Accident investigation is a systematic effort to establish all relevant facts and interpretations related to how and why an accident happened. The purpose is to prevent recurrence. Accident investigations must establish and carry out the following:
• What happened.
• Identify causes, both immediate and contributing.
• Determine the plan or management system failure.
• Develop and assign corrective action items.
• Track corrective action to completion Communicate this information to all employ